We strive to offer more than just a place to order more gifts :) Use these resources to get more “bang for your buck” out of your gifts
“Thanks for the call. I appreciate you walking me through the website. It is a great resource… and your team’s follow-up is excellent.
Best Regards, Derrik”
PRODUCT LETTERS to include in your gifts
Easy-to-use, editable PDF’s that inform your client of the most popular uses for the tool / gift you chose
GIFT LETTERS: Include a Personal Message to accompany the gift
Crafting these messages can sometimes present a surprising challenging! We’ve crafted a few sample letters here to get you started.
PREP YOUR GIFTS: First Impressions are everything!
They say first impressions are “everything.” Ok, maybe they’re not “everything,” but here’s how to make the best first impression with your gifts and avoid some of the worst presentation mistakes!
SCRIPT: Explain the gift to your client; build value
What does one say when giving someone a knife present, anyway? We polled our most successful gift-givers and put together a script based on what they told us worked best!
BUILD-A-SET: A main benefit of the program! These gifts are not just once-and done!
Leverage the “collect them all!” aspect to reward loyalty and referrals.
THE POP-BY: is the closing table the best time to give the settlement gift?
A strategy you can use if your gift won’t arrive on time…so good that you may want to use this method for 100% of your gifts!
FOLLOW-UP CALLS: You’ve probably heard… “The Fortune is in the Follow-up!”
Use this strategy to ensure that you always know what your clients thought of the gift
VIDEOS for your client
Videos that show your client how to use the specific tool /knife you chose for them.