Referral Gift: Ice Cream Scoop (1503)
Two Crowd Favorites in one box!
Two of our most famous pieces. Our sturdy shears that can double as both kitchen and chore shears are used multiple times a day in most homes.
The famous Spatula Spreader!
#3: 2-PIECE SANTOKU SET (1850)
Dicing and Chopping become easy chores with:
-5” Santoku—lightweight; easy to handle even for beginners; great for celery, peppers, and small veggies; gentle on bruisable food like parsley, cilantro, and other herbs
-7” Santoku—Standard, multi-purpose chopping knife for bigger items like onions, carrots, fruits, and nuts.
#4: TABLE KNIVES (1759) or 2159 STEAK KNIVES
Begin building the personal knives, part of every place-setting at every meal.
#5 Choose a Block
Choose from 1 of 3 blocks that fit the set you want your client to eventually own. The first slots will be filled with the gifts you have already given. The other slots are open for you to fill after future transactions and referrals